
Thursday, July 6, 2017

Smokey's Moist and Simple Low-Carb Strawberry Pound Cake

Sometimes when we are drinking our morning coffee or looking for a dessert snack, pound cakes sound very appetizing.  However, the carb counts are usually fairly high, dissuading us from eating them.

Smokey's Moist and Simple Low-Carb Strawberry Pound Cake allow us to satisfy our cravings, without adding those unnecessary carbs.  Our Pound Cake is moist, crumbly and smells absolutely divine.  

Preparation time was a little under 5 minutes, while baking time was about 1 hour. 

Our ingredients that we purchased were....

  • 8 oz. of Cream Cheese
  • 8 Strawberries
  • 6 Eggs
  • 3 1/2 Cups of Carbquik
  • 1 1/2 Sticks of Margarine
  • 1 1/2 Cups of Sweetener
  • 1 tsp. Vanilla
  • 1/8th tsp. Salt
We'll start by placing our cream cheese and margarine in our mixing bowl.  

We'll then, place our bowl in our microwave and will cook for about 1 minute and 30 seconds, in order to soften our mixture. 

This will allow us an easier time stirring the remaining ingredients together.

Next, we'll stir our cheese and butter and will mix in our eggs, Carbquik, Sweetener, Vanilla, and salt. 

We'll then stir our mixture together and will place aside.

Next, we'll chop our strawberries, add them to our batter, and will beat with our electric mixer on medium for about 2 minutes.

We completely blended our strawberries into our batter. 

 If one would prefer strawberry chunks, instead of a mere fruit flavor, simply add the chopped strawberries after mixing your batter.

Now, we'll spray our bread pan with cooking spray and will preheat our oven to 350F degrees.

We'll then pour our batter into our pan and will place in the oven for 1 hour.  

We usually will place our bread pan on a larger baking pan. That way, our Pound Cake will bake a little more evenly.  

At the 1 hour mark, we'll check our cake's doneness by inserting a toothpick into its center.

If the toothpick, when pulled out of the cake, is clean and absent of any batter, your cake has finished baking.  If not, recheck the cake in increments of 5-7 minutes.  

However, keep an eye on the color of your cake. If your cake is looking done, but the middle is still undercooked, simply lower your oven's temperature by 25-50F degree increments and continue baking.

We then, removed our cake from our oven and allowed to cool for about 10-15 minutes.

We almost couldn't wait for the cake the cool, since its aroma was so scrumptious.

We finally sliced our cake and took a bite........ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.........a slice of heaven!

Our Pound Cake was not only warm, soft, and moist, but offered a slight strawberry flavor.  

The edges were crumbly and complemented the rest of the cake.

We're enjoying how the aroma is permeating our apartment and making our mouths water.

We completely enjoyed our low-carb cake for a couple of days, as did our thighs.  ðŸ˜†

From our kitchen to yours


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